The Virtues of Virtual Reality

  • Virtual Reality provides a memorable experience. What is most remarkable is that combining the images with the headphone audio creating a 360 degree experience, plus the ability to look left and right and turn around, you truly feel as you there

  • Virtual Reality can improve the performance in a classroom setting. A classroom of 40 students, in which half were taught in a VR environment and half using traditional methods, the study tested knowledge assimilation immediately after the course and knowledge retention two weeks afterwards. The students exposed to the VR learning environment performed significantly better on both tests, scoring on average 27.4% better immediately after learning and 32.4% better when tested again two weeks later. What’s more, students who were underperforming in the traditional learning environment actually excelled in the VR environment, scoring 15.8% better on average than the top students in the traditional environment.

  • Virtual Reality is justifiable in demand, however the supply is deficient. Concerns about the lack of VR content available, as well as a lack of student resources, with 43 percent of respondents saying that VR is too expensive or difficult to implement.

    Yet, even though current use is still at a small percentage, over half the schools surveyed report that they are actively investigating VR for classroom use, with 23 percent of schools reporting that they have tested or tried VR.

  • Virtual Reality is just beginning to be utilized. And for those pioneering educators and researchers, the uses for VR may be more diverse than the general public may think.

Training video using VR

Educational video using VR